Candid Aligners - Candid Or Invisalign

Senior Analyst, Parascientific Solutions

A modern and more technologically advanced solution is Empower Clear permanent self-ligating transparent appliances. The arch of the apparatus is attached to the latches integrated with the lock, Candid Or Invisalign which allows for smoother movement of the teeth subjected to pressure and reduces the friction associated with itCosmetic (aesthetic) apparatus is an alternative for patients who prefer a less visible apparatus. Locks in these braces are made of transparent materials (sapphire locks) or in the color of teeth (ceramic locks).

Their biggest advantage is less visibility. They are strong and durable, but not as much as metal zippers. Since they are more fragile than metal brackets, during treatment, parts of the bracket may break or become detached and then have to be replaced with new ones. For this reason, the size of cosmetic brackets is slightly larger compared to steel alloy brackets. Due to the stronger connection to the tooth, disassembly is more difficult. In the past, the enamel was often damaged during the removal of brackets for this reason, but fortunately this problem was greatly reduced with the introduction of special engineered disassembly tools. However, despite some disadvantages, their aesthetics and invisibility are highly appreciated. Unfortunately, the price of the aesthetic braces is much higher than in the case of traditional brace

Metal Braces
Fixed metal braces with ICONIX brackets, are white gold-colored brackets, resistant to flaking and color abrasion, ligature brackets. Compared to metal locks, ICONIX looks very aesthetic.Aesthetic
Fixed aesthetic appliances (often called cosmetic appliances) are appliances that are less visible on the teeth because their brackets are milky or completely transparent. The biggest advantage of aesthetic appliances is that they adapt to the natural color of the tooth, so you can forget that you have them on your teeth.

Radiance Locks
Radiance locks are made of crystalline clear sapphire, a material of very high resistance and durability. Fixed, aesthetic, sapphire, ligature braces, completely transparent, which makes them harmoniously harmonize with the color of the teeth. Thanks to the use of extremely resistant and solid materials, Radiance sapphire locks do not change through all stages of treatment and do not discolor.Transparent ceramics are used for the production of Clarity ligature brackets - thanks to this the device is discreet and the patient does not feel embarrassed. They are as effective as metal zippers, but have a huge advantage - Candid Or Invisalign they are almost invisible. The ceramics used in the production of Clarity brackets are undoubtedly solid and durable, making them extremely resistant to damage.

Self-ligating brackets
An alternative to ligature brackets are self-ligating brackets, which do not have ligatures (rubber bands), and their operation is based on the action of alternative flaps that keep the orthodontic arch in the brackets.Metal self-ligating brackets, compared to classic braces, brackets without ligatures are smaller and gentle on the cheek and tongue. Despite the reduced pressure on the teeth, the self-ligating braces ensure high treatment effectiveness. This is done thanks to the "passive slip" mechanism in the active flaps, which allows the teeth to smoothly and gently move into the correct position. Compared to classic appliances, it also shortens the frequency of follow-up visits. It is a type of orthodontic appliance that has no age restrictions. It can be used by both younger and adults.

Sapphire locks are made of colorless rock crystal (sapphire monocrystals), thanks to which they adapt to the color of the patient's tooth, harmonizing with any shade of enamel. This ensures very good aesthetics. They are especially recommended for patients who have very Candid Or Invisalign light teeth. Crystal locks show high strength and excellent translucency. The active part of the camera is a metal wire connecting the individual elements. To improve the aesthetics even more, you can use white composite arch, coated metal arches. However, they can only be used for minor defects. The bow is fixed with aesthetic ligatures (white, pearl, transparent). Their disadvantage is that they can discolor quickly in patients who drink large amounts of coffee and tea.

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